Romania's New Govt To Reduce Tourism Taxes, Reshape Tourism Auth

Institutional restructuring and the creation of a specialized organization for marketing policies in tourism, as well as the reduction of the number of taxes in tourism are some of the most important tourism measures included in the governing agenda for the period 2009-2012.


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Romania's New Govt To Reduce Tourism Taxes, Reshape Tourism Auth

Another measure included in this agenda is the application of a new system for the authorization of lodging facilities. 
The governing agenda also mentions a reduction in the number of formalities and taxes in tourism, as well as the creation of tourism parks.
The development of rural tourism and the granting of fiscal facilities for the promotion of tourism, as well as the development of specific action plans for regional tourism, on the Romanian sea coast, in the Danube Delta and in the mountains, respectively for business, medical, religious, therapeutic and cultural tourism, are other actions included in the document.
In addition, the agenda states the launching of the Zonal Development of Tourism Program, coordinated with the programs of local authorities, as well as a higher degree of accessibility for the tourism service packs for pensioners, students and people with low income.
The new government also aims to upgrade tourism infrastructure, through partnerships between ministries and local authorities.

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