Romania’s New Wage Law Could Delay Wage Paying In State Institutions

Paying wages in certain Romanian state institutions could be delayed as those who must apply the new wage law do not know how to do it, union leader Mihaela Neacsu said Thursday.


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Romania’s New Wage Law Could Delay Wage Paying In State Institutions

"Employees in certain state institutions risk not receiving wages on time, as those who must make the shift from the old wage law to the new one do not know how to apply it," Neascu said.

Neacsu highlighted employees will not receive wages calculated according to the old wage law if the representatives of the respective state institutions do not know how to apply the new law. Besides, the old laws granting bonuses cannot be applied either.

A bipartite Commission was set up to analyze propositions meant to improve the unitary wage law. The Commission is made up of experts with certain ministries and union representatives.

The Commission must simplify the unitary wage law by assessing jobs in the public sector, analyzing the unitary wage grid, establishing a new hierarchy system in the public sector and draw up a report regarding bonuses.

The members in the bipartite Commission convened Wednesday for the first time to talk on the procedures to be carried out. The Commission established a talk calendar and the first to take part in discussions were the representatives of the Health Ministry.

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