Romania’s President Wants To Enhance Partnership With U.S. Based On Unfailing Friendship

Romania’s President Traian Basescu said Wednesday, the country’s partnership with the U.S.A will be characterized by “continuity”, adding “a worthy friendship is when partners know how to share” and Romania proved it is “a reliable friend”.


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Romania’s President Wants To Enhance Partnership With U.S. Based On Unfailing Friendship

"Our partnership with the U.S. will be defined by continuity. We want a close partnership with the United States for the values they stand for - democracy, respect for human rights, economic strength, security," Basescu said during a meeting with the ambassadors accredited to Bucharest.

Basescu also said Romania is willing to further develop the strategic partnership with the United States on its essential segments - economic cooperation, political dialogue, visa and security issues.

"A worthy friendship is when both partners know how to share, and we proved to be a reliable partner to the U.S., whether we refer to our mission in Afghanistan or to the recently concluded military mission in Iraq," Basescu said.

Basescu added Romania can rely on the ongoing cooperation with the United States, on attracting new U.S. investments, on the United States support for projects involving energy security, such as the Nabucco gas pipeline project or the liquefied gas terminal in Constanta, southeastern Romania.

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