Romania Should Not Buy AH1N1 Vaccine For Children – Former Health Minister

Former Romanian Health Minister Ion Bazac said Romania should not buy the AH1N1 flu vaccine for children, which was rejected by Poland, and that the Government should make the terms requested by the producer public.


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Romania Should Not Buy AH1N1 Vaccine For Children – Former Health Minister

"Romanian authorities must be especially cautious as regards the pandemic vaccine destined for children, after Poland refused to buy the vaccine made by a certain producer, the same as the one offered to Romania. The Health Ministry and Government should reanalyze the purchase, as the Polish prime minister rejected the producer's request for the contract to state that the Government takes responsibility for the vaccine's harmful effects," a Monday press release issued by the Social Democratic Party said.

In Bazac's opinion, a government taking responsibility for the vaccine's flaws or adverse effects is "unacceptable." The former minister called on the Health Ministry and Government to make the producer's terms public and consider reanalyzing the vaccine's source.

"The decision to purchase 500,000 shots for children remains justified and commendable, but only if the imported vaccine will be available sooner than the one produced by the Cantacuzion Institute," Bazac said.

The Health Ministry and Government have signed a memorandum for the purchase of 500,000 shots of pandemic vaccine for children between the ages of six months and six years from Glaxo Smith Kline, state secretary Adrian Streinu-Cercel said Friday.

Acting Prime Minister Boc, who had a meeting with interim Health Minister Adriean Videanu and the national committee coordinating efforts to fight the spread of the virus, said the situation in Romania is under control and called on people to watch their personal hygiene to avoid getting the illness.

Boc also reminded the country starts a national vaccination program on November 26.

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