Romania To Hike Daycare Vouchers To RON350 As Of Feb 1

Daycare vouchers in Romania will rise as of February 1 to 350 lei (EUR1=RON42.634) from RON340, following an order of the Labor, Family and Social Protection Minister.


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Romania To Hike Daycare Vouchers To RON350 As Of Feb 1

According to the order signed by the labor minister, published in the Official Gazette, First Part, no. 39/2009, for the first half of this year, as of February, the value of one daycare vouchers is set at RON350, as established by the provisions within the methodological norms enforcing Law 193/2006 on the application of gift vouchers and daycare vouchers.

According to the most recent correlation of the sums, valid since August for the second half of last year last year, the monthly sum granted as daycare voucher reached RON340.


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