Romanian Agricultural Products Too Expensive - Minister

Romanian agricultural products are too expensive, because of the countless middle-men between farm and store shelf, Agriculture Minister Valeriu Tabara said Wednesday.


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Romanian Agricultural Products Too Expensive - Minister

The minister said it is up to the companies, as well as local and central authorities, and the ministry, to solve the price problem. He also said Romanian farmers need to be more determined to defend their interests in the European agricultural sector and their presence on European markets.

"Our agriculture will not be profitable if it limits itself to the internal market. Romania must produce for the European and emerging markets, but not only using certain sectors," he added.

The minister said farmers must take the initiative themselves, instead of waiting for subsidies, improve their relationship with banks and outfit their farms with equipment. He said some lending institutions might accept subsidies as guarantees and one bank will give out loans only on the basis of a certificate from the Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture.

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