Romanian Authorities To Ban Heavy Traffic On National Road 1 In ‘08

Romanian authorities intend to maintain for 2008 traffic restrictions for freight vehicles over 7.5 tons on National Road 1, between Bucharest and Brasov, during daytime, from Monday until Friday.

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Romanian Authorities To Ban Heavy Traffic On National Road 1 In ‘08

Restrictions are to be applied between January 31, 2007 and December 31, 2008, on road sections Bucharest-Barcanesti and Ploiesti-Brasov, between 06:00-22:00 local hours, Monday through Friday, according to a draft order of the Transportation Ministry.

These stipulations come in addition to the normative act enforcing the same rules between January 1 and December 31, 2007.

The order also stipulates the exceptions to the rule.

Thus, vehicles that receive nominal transportation approvals from the Road Company are allowed access on the respective road sections. So do vehicles transporting people, animals, perishable food or fuel as well as cars belonging to the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reform, ambulances and fire trucks.

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