Romanian Court Can’t Afford DNA Tests, Murder Suspect Goes Free For 5 Months

Local authorities in Romanian southern county of Olt had to release the main suspect in a murder case, because prosecutors could not afford to pay for the DNA tests.


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Romanian Court Can’t Afford DNA Tests, Murder Suspect Goes Free For 5 Months

Stefan Milan (59) was accused of beating a shepherd to death with the handle of a fork for having let his animals wonder on his property.
The crime was committed in November 2008, but Milan could not be prosecuted as local officials were unable to pay for the DNA tests on the murder weapon.
The tests cost 10,000 lei (EUR1-RON4.1811).
“The suspect was free for five months because we did not have the money to pay these tests. Let the Justice Ministry see the situation here, in Slatina (capital city of Olt county – e.n.). We managed to reach a compromise now (…). We’ve paid RON5,000 and we have to pay the rest later,” prosecutor Eugen Iacobescu said.
Milan was finally detained on Tuesday and he is due to appear in court on charges of manslaughter.

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