Romanian Dam On Danube Arm Damaged, Overflows Threaten Nearby Inhabitants

A dam on one of the Danube river’s arms in Ialomita county, southern Romania, was damaged due to the increased water level, and the overflows have already submerged about five hectares of farmland.


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Romanian Dam On Danube Arm Damaged, Overflows Threaten Nearby Inhabitants

According to Ialomita Inspectorate for Emergency Situation chief Constantin Naie, the dam is only 300 meters away from an inhabited area. Firefighters, gendarmes and border police officers are striving to prevent waters from reaching people's homes.

According to data presented Wednesday during a Government meeting, flooding in Romania in recent days has claimed the lives of 22 people and about 7,000 others were forced to flee their homes to safety.

The latest reports show 2,917 homes have been flooded and 206 homes have collapsed.

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