Romanian Education Unionists Call On Teachers, Students To Support May 31 Strike

Romania’s "Spiru Haret" education union federation calls on teachers to protest against the intolerable state of the education system, and asks students to recognize the “legitimate” nature of the protest, says a press release issued by the federation Saturday.


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Union representatives ask school managers to defend the full-blown strike on May 31, even if their current position does not allow them to formally support it.

Teachers are asked not to play into "the games of the ruling powers", not to give in to the authorities' pressure tactics, and to assume responsibility for the strike.

The press release also calls for the students' support, adding that budget expenditure cuts also mean less money for books, schools and tuition fees.

Over 400,000 education and public administration unionists will go on a full-blown strike starting May 31, the day of the written foreign language high-school graduation exam. Transport, healthcare, penitentiary and private sector unionists will stage a solidarity strike in support of their efforts.

Romania's National Student Council threatened Wednesday to stage a protest rally on June 1, if the teachers' strike causes the high-school graduation exam to be called off.

Romania's Education Minister Daniel Funeriu said Friday that less than 10% of examination centers in ten counties will be affected by the strike. Examiners and overseers who choose to go on strike will be replaced with non-teaching staff, or other teachers with similar qualifications.

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