Romanian ELCEN Wants 15% Tariff Hike For Energy Delivered To RADET

Romanian power producer Electrocentrale Bucuresti (ELCEN) asked Romania’s energy watchdog ANRE to approve a 15% higher tariff for the thermal power it delivers to Bucharest district heating company RADET, due to the increase of fuel prices.


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Romanian ELCEN Wants 15% Tariff Hike For Energy Delivered To RADET

“ELCEN asked ANRE in November to hike thermal power tariff as of January 1, 2008  (…) due to the natural gas and fuel oil price increase between the date when the latest tariffs were approved and January 1”, the company said.

ELCEN has stocks of 60,000 tons of fuel oil and contracted 710 million cubic meters of natural gas, enough to provide electric and thermal power by the end of the winter.

The company said it does not have enough funds to pay for fuel due to the low sums received from RADET Bucharest, RADET Constanta and state-owned energy suppliers Electrica Transilvania Nord and Electrica Muntenia Nord, whose debts total RON970 million.

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