Romanian Employers Want Bonuses For Private Sector Employees Earning Wages Below RON1,000

Romanian employers on Thursday met with Labor Minister Sulfina Barbu and proposed that employees in the private sector who gain monthly wages below 1,000 lei (about EUR232) should be granted a bonus of up to RON300, for which only social security contributions will be paid.


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Romanian Employers Want Bonuses For Private Sector Employees Earning Wages Below RON1,000

Employers also proposed the introduction of a minimum wage per hour of about RON4 to replace the minimum wage.

Economic and Social Council vice-president Dragos Mihalache said the minimum wage per hour will allow employees to work for more employers.

National Union Block leader Dumitru Costin rejected the proposition to grant bonuses to private sector employees who gain wages below RON1,000.

According to Costin, over 70% of Romanian employees gain salaries smaller than the average wage.

The union leader said the minimum wage should be pegged to the minimum consumption basket, whose value should reach RON900-RON920.


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