Romanian Energy Watchdog Extends Gas Bills Pay Deadline To 30 Days

Romanian household consumers could pay their gas bills without penalties within 30 days from the current 15-day term, after the Energy Regulatory Authority ANRE's amended gas supply frame contracts.


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Romanian Energy Watchdog Extends Gas Bills Pay Deadline To 30 Days

"ANRE completed the amendment of the frame-contract for the regulated supply of natural gas to household consumers in order to support consumers in their relationship with suppliers, preventing any alleged abuses," ANRE said in a press release.

Also, suppliers may cut supply to households with unpaid bills after 40 days instead of the current 26, and supply contracts may be terminated after 180 days instead of the current 65 if consumers fail to pay their bills.

Gas metering equipment will be dismantled only after the termination of supply contracts, with a 15-day notice.

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