Romanian Film Director Takes Home Golden Bear Award

Romanian director Bogdan Mustata won the “Golden Bear” Berlinale Shorts sections award for "A good day for a swim,” jury member Ada Solomon told Mediafax.

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Romanian Film Director Takes Home Golden Bear Award

 "A good day for a swim," whose screenplay is signed by Catalin Mitulescu, tells the story of three delinquent teenagers who seize a truck driver and a prostitute and fool around with them on a deserted beach.

“It is a special film one needs to digest first in order to be able to understand it,” said Solomon.

The Silver bear award went to Siddharth Sinha’s film "Udedh Bun.” The Prix UIP for best European short film was taken home by Darren Thornton’s Irish short film "Frankie," while the DAAD short film award went to "B teme/ In the theme" film directed by Olga Popova.
The jury included Romanian producer Ada Solomon, French actor-director Marc Barbé and Germany’s talented young actress Laura Tonke.

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