Romanian Gendarmerie Says Militants’ Aggressiveness Determined Their Intervention

The intervention of security forces regarding the anti-NATO activists who leased the Timpuri Noi factory in capital city Bucharest was determined by the aggressive behavior of the people inside the factory, said Marius Militaru, spokesperson with the Bucharest Gendarmerie.


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Romanian Gendarmerie Says Militants’ Aggressiveness Determined Their Intervention

Romanian security forces intervened on Wednesday at 14:00 local time to evacuate the 50 anti –NATO militants who had leased a space in the Timpuri Noi Factory in Bucharest.

The official said that some of the militants even attacked police officers.

Militaru said that the factory’s general manager told police officers and gendarmes that people inside the factory aggressed him and that when entering the factory several people tried to bring inside inflammable materials.

“When seeing the gendarmes and police officers the militants showed extreme violence, using tear gases in order to scare the officers,” said Militaru.

He added that several of the militants had nothing against going to the precinct but that others protested vehemently. Seven people who were at the entrance in Timpuri Noi Factory were escorted to the precinct.

Militaru said that after the conflict was settled, police officers found inflammable materials as well as banners containing messages both in Romanian and English inside the factory.

On Wednesday, a squad of the gendarmerie was notified by the employees of SC Flaros SA company that the militants inside Timpuri Noi Factory are disturbing the public order.

However, a young activist who spent the night inside Timpuri Noi factory after she and her friends were released from custody, told MEDIAFAX that the manager of Flaros company was forced by administrative bodies to forward a complaint against them.  

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