Romanian Govt Sent Stance On Pension-Wage Decree To Constitutional Court

The Romanian Government sent the Constitutional Court its reply to the ombudsman’s challenge of the emergency decree banning the cumulation of pensions and salaries for public sector employees, indicating the decree doesn’t go against the Constitution.


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Romanian Govt Sent Stance On Pension-Wage Decree To Constitutional Court

"The Government’s response has been sent to the Constitutional Court,” Government secretary general Daniela Andreescu told MEDIAFAX Monday.
The Government said the suspension of pension payments for retired people working in the public sector is in compliance with the Constitutional Court’s decision 375/2005, which states no constitutional provision bans lawmakers from suppressing the cumulation of pensions and salaries if the measure is applied indiscriminately.
According to the government decree, published in the Official Gazette Monday, pensioners have 15 days from when the act takes effect to either discard their pension while they are employed or quit their job within the public sector. 
The decree triggered protests among doctors, teachers and actors.
Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday the decree doesn’t breach the Constitution as it doesn’t impair the right to work and doesn’t create exceptions to the law, according to a previous Constitutional Court Decision.
The Romanian ombudsman challenged the government decree and the Constitutional Court is expected to rule in the case on Jan 15.

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