Romanian Govt Should Assume Responsibility For Criminal, Civil Codes - President

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Thursday at the presentation of the 2008 activity report of the High Council of Magistrates that the government needs to assume responsibility for the Criminal Code, the Civil Code and their respective procedure codes.


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Romanian Govt Should Assume Responsibility For Criminal, Civil Codes - President

"The second priority of the year are the codes, and I bring politics into the matter, the decision regarding the codes is - and I hope it stays that way - for the government to assume responsibility for all the four codes,” the head of state said.
Basescu said the four codes should be "a judicial work of the highest quality ".
He also said the government should assume responsibility for the codes in Parliament by the lawmakers’ summer recess, to have them applied in 2010. 
The government decide Tuesday to pull the codes from Parliament, where they were pending debate and approval.
The Justice Ministry explained the codes were pulled to avoid having the Parliament adopt them tacitly, as their term for debates in the Senate was to expire.

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