Romanian Govt To Cut Aid For Unemployed People Who Turn Down A Job Offer

Romania's Government has decided to cut unemployment aid to people who turn down a job, regardless of the distance between their home and the position, or who refuse to take part in a professional training program, as of next year.


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Romanian Govt To Cut Aid For Unemployed People Who Turn Down A Job Offer

Current legislation says unemployment benefits may be cut only when the person turns down a job less than 50 km from their place of residence, or declines to participate in the programs organized by employment agencies to stimulate employment and offer professional training.

The emergency ordinance approved by the Government on Friday says unemployment aid is denied to anyone declining to take a job suited to their training or education, or declining to participate in the programs offered by employment agencies. The new rule will enter effect on January 1, 2011.

In late November, Prime Minister Emil Boc suggested that people on unemployment who are counseled by an employment agency advisor and turn down a job offer twice might no longer receive aid. Boc said unemployment in Romania is not very high, actually below the European Union average, but that he wishes the more than 10,000 available positions could be filled.

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