Romanian Liberals 100 Members Short Over Alleged ‘Groups Of Interests’

The liberals’ county branch in Brasov, central Romania, is missing 100 members as of Tuesday following their en-bloc resignation due to certain “groups of interests that run the local branch.”


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Romanian Liberals 100 Members Short Over Alleged ‘Groups Of Interests’

Valentin Bodea, one of the liberals who resigned on Tuesday, said the 100 members wish to warn about the “groups of interests that run PNL Brasov, whose actions are not guided by liberal principles.”
Bodea, however, declined to give any names “out of respect” for the true liberals still with the party.
The outgoing members, mostly youngsters, had no official positions within the party.
PNL Brasov’s president, Aristotel Cancescu, told Mediafax reporters that their resignation is not a big loss to the party, as the 100 members who left were fans of ex-liberal member Gabriel Andronache, who was expelled from the party.
Meanwhile Andronache, mayor of Brasov city, enrolled in the Democratic Liberal Party.

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