Romanian Official Says Sub-Commission Appointed To Debate High-Level Graft Cases

A sub-commission formed of seven rapporteurs is to discuss the request of the Romanian Anticorruption Department (DNA) to prosecute former transports minister Miron Mitrea and former prime minister Adrian Nastase in graft cases, Bogdan Olteanu, chairman of the Chamber of Deputies, said Monday.


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Romanian Official Says Sub-Commission Appointed To Debate High-Level Graft Cases

Following the debates, the sub-commission will draw up a report and submit it to the Senate’s committee for legal matters.
Olteanu added the two officials will be denied access to their files.
Sergiu Andon, head of the committee for legal matters, in his turn said the committee would debate the two cases and maybe get the two MPs and a representative of the Prosecutors’ Office involved in the matter.
The report drawn up by the committee will be submitted to the Chamber’s Standing Office.
Late April, anticorruption prosecutors asked the Chamber’s approval to prosecute Mitrea and Nastase.

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