Romanian Online Bank Card Payments Up 38% In 2010, To EUR127.8M

Online payments using bank cards increased by 38% in 2010, to EUR127.8 million and the number of transactions rose by 82%, to 2.26 million, according to data released by Romanian credit card transaction processor Romcard.


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Romanian Online Bank Card Payments Up 38% In 2010, To EUR127.8M

In 2009, electronic commerce payments saw an increase of 75%, to EUR92.8 million.

Last year, the number of online transactions operated through the ePayment system administered by GeCAD ePayment International hit 2.08 million with online payments reaching a value of EUR121 million, GeCAD ePayment said in a press release.

In 2010, the average value of a transaction in the ePayment system stood at EUR58, while in 2009 it was of EUR79.

"The sectors that operated the biggest number of online transactions were: telecommunications, tourism, utility payments, services, retail and entertainment," said the press release.

"In the first half of 2010, the number of transactions continued the upward trend registered in 2009. In June, July and August the number of transactions fell by about 15%-25% compared to the previous months," said Romcard general manager Marian Mitroi.

Starting September, the upward trend was resumed and the number of transactions reached the level registered in the first half of the year.

Mitroi said the company estimates the number of ecommerce transactions will increase by 30% in 2011 compared to last year.

For 2011, GeCAD ePayment estimates the same upward trend and increase rate as in 2010.

GeCAD ePayment International provides ecommerce solution services.

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