Romanian Parliament Budget, Finance Committees Resume Draft 2011 State Budget Debates

The Romanian Parliament’s budget and finance committees on Saturday approved the 2011 budgets of several ministries and the meeting was resumed on Sunday when lawmakers will debate the budgets of three other ministries and the draft social security budget for next year.


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Romanian Parliament Budget, Finance Committees Resume Draft 2011 State Budget Debates

Lawmakers approved on Saturday the Environment Ministry's budget which amounts to 2,312,427 thousand lei (EUR1=RON4.2899), 29% higher than the sum allotted in 2010.

The Health Ministry's 2011 budget will be of RON4.417 billion.

The Defense Ministry will have a budget of RON4.8 billion, 29.24% lower than the sum granted this year.

The Interior Ministry's 2011 budget will be of RON8.8 billion.

Lawmakers rejected over 700 amendments targeting the Transport Ministry and approved the budget proposed by the Government, namely RON11,574,413,000.

The Education Ministry's 2011 budget was also debated Saturday and the committees approved the budget proposition drafted by the Government. The ministry will thus be granted RON8.555 billion.

The Tourism and Rural Development Ministry's budget will be of RON2,789,257 thousand.

Lawmakers approved the Agriculture Ministry's budget in the amount of RON11,676,518,000, 14.29% higher than the sum allotted in 2010.

The Economy Ministry's budget for next year will be of RON1,498,882 thousand and the budget of the Foreign Affairs Ministry will amount to RON530,126 thousand.

The budget and finance committees must finish the reports on the draft 2011 state budget and the draft social security budget on Sunday, as set by the standing offices of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, so that starting Monday the two acts can be debated in plenary meetings.

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