Romanian People Suggest Installments For Car Tax

Participants in the public hearing on the Romanian pollution tax for cars recommended that the Government split the tax in installments, correlate its level to the one paid by other pollutants and widen the taxation base for cars already registered.


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Romanian People Suggest Installments For Car Tax

The Executive is not forced to take into consideration the recommendations made by the Committee of Experts within the public hearing on the tax. Aside from the payment in installments and the introduction of the tax for cars already circulating in Romania, based on the principle "the pollutant pays," participants in the public hearing also requested the undiscriminating application of the car tax, regardless of the car’s owner or their statute.

Some of the people participating in the debate proposed the payment of tax strictly depending on the car’s degree of pollution, set with each mandatory technical inspection. Others proposed the calculation of the tax with respect for the entire life cycle of the car, the degree of usage and the producer.

Recommendations were sent Thursday to the Government and they constitute an abstract of the views expressed by the 101 citizens participating in the public hearing on this topic.

Of the 101 citizens, 38 also registered for the public statement of their point of view, unfolded one week ago, but only 29 of them spoke, the rest being absent.

Of the 101 points of view, nine came from representatives of government institutions supporting the project, 18 came from NGOs, three from political parties (liberal democrats, conservatives and liberals), six were issued by representatives of companies, one by the representative of the union confederacy Cartel Alfa and the remaining 64 were sent by citizens who did not represent the interests of any entity.

Given the pro or con criterion for the introduction of the tax, 21 participants said they are “unreserved” supporters for the project (aside from the nine people representing the Executive), while another 22 “definitely” rejected the introduction of the tax. The remaining 49 interventions acknowledged the necessity of the pollution tax, but proposed corrections and amendments in the text of the draft government emergency ordinance proposed by the Government.

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