Romanian Police Officers Countrywide Set Off Protests, Reduced Activity Over Wage Cuts

Romanian police officers countrywide set off protests Monday and reduced their activity over the 25% wage cut imposed by the Government in July.


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Romanian Police Officers Countrywide Set Off Protests, Reduced Activity Over Wage Cuts

Union leader Marian Gruia recently said police officers will work 25% less because they are paid 25% less and will no longer attend hearings in criminal cases, apply fines and direct traffic.

"As of September 20, certain activities will be reduced. Police officers will be out in the field, but will stay in fixed locations and will only respond to emergency calls," Gruia said, adding the traffic police will no longer direct traffic and will only give warnings, not fines. He also stressed the action is meant to warn authorities not to pressure police workers because that might trigger unprecedented riots.

He also said unionists requested an urgent meeting with Prime Minister Emil Boc but has yet to receive a response. Gruia added police workers will not call strikes and will not join strikes planned by other public sector workers, but will protest in the same way magistrates did in September 2009, adding they expect similar resolutions.

The Romanian General Police Department said in a press release last week that police workers' activity is permanent and mandatory and that they are banned from calling or joining strikes. It also said that, under the law, police workers can voice their dissatisfactions and demands during their spare time.

"The management of the Romanian Police, at both central and local level, is constantly in talks with union organizations. Police officers' activity is strictly regulated by the provisions of Law 218/2002 on the organization and functioning of the Romanian Police, of Law 360/2002 on the statute of police officers and of Government Decision 991/2005 approving the Code of Ethics and Deontology for Police Officers", according to the press release.

Interior Minister Vasile Blaga said last week union leaders who announced police workers' protest actions have no knowledge whatsoever on the statute of police officers and stressed they should do their job properly, otherwise they will be held accountable.

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