Romanian President Urges Parliament To Adopt Civil, Criminal Procedural Codes By Summer Recess

Romanian President Traian Basescu urged the Parliament in a letter Tuesday to adopt the country’s criminal and civil procedure codes before it takes its summer recess, the president’s office said in a press release Wednesday.


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Romanian President Urges Parliament To Adopt Civil, Criminal Procedural Codes By Summer Recess

In the letter addressed to Senate Chairman Mircea Geoana and Chamber of Deputies Speaker Roberta Anastase, Basescu reminds lawmakers that Romania's legal system is monitored by the EU under the cooperation and verification mechanism and the European Commission is set to release a new report on the country's progress this summer.

Basescu said Romania needs to adopt the criminal and civil procedure codes, which overhaul its obsolete legal system, in order to get a positive EC report.

Romania adopted new criminal and civil codes last year, but these cannot be enforced without the respective procedural codes.

Basescu has previously called on the Government and Parliament to speed up the adoption of the codes and their enforcement norms, most recently on April 18.

Parliament leaders said the next day they took note of the president's letter, but no steps towards adoption have been taken since.

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