Romanian Prosecutor Ranks First In CONT Committee EPPO Vote

Romanian prosecutor Laura Codruta Kovesi received the highest number of votes for the leadership of the upcoming European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) in the European Parliament’s Committee on Budgetary Control (CONT) on Tuesday.


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Romanian Prosecutor Ranks First In CONT Committee EPPO Vote

In a vote which followed a hearing of the three candidates for the office on Tuesday, Kovesi received 12 votes, followed by French prosecutor Francois Bohnert with 11 and German candidate Andres Ritter with one vote.

The Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) is also set to hold a vote on the nominees around noon on Wednesday.

The two committees will propose one of the three candidates for a confirmation vote in the European Parliament.

If Kovesi wins the European Parliament nomination, negotiations will begin between EU lawmakers and the EU Council, as member states ambassadors voted in favor of appointing Bohnert to the office.

The two EU institutions must appoint the upcoming EPPO chief prosecutor by mutual agreement.


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