Romanian Sed Lex Unionists Set Up Protests Plan

Over 100,000 public servants affiliated to the Romanian Federation of Public Servants’ Unions Sed Lex will go on a warning strike on Thursday, and on general strike as of October 16, unionists’ representatives said Tuesday.


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Romanian Sed Lex Unionists Set Up Protests Plan

The representatives of “Sed Lex” met the minister of Economy and Finance Varujan Vosganian to discuss salary hikes in the public sector, Sed Lex president, Vasile Marica said. After the meeting, Marica said unionists would set up the protests’ schedule on Tuesday, as the minister announced he cannot assign money for a 50% raise for all state employees.

The decision of the unionists is to go on warning strike this Thursday, and on general strike as of next Thursday.

The public servants affiliated to Sed Lex demanded a 50% pay hike to match the salary increase granted to personnel in the educational system

Last week, Marica said over 100,000 public servants affiliated to Sed Lex and to the Local Administration in Cluj county, northwestern Romania, will go on full-scale strike on October 9, blocking the activity in treasuries, pension houses and city halls.

Members of the National Union of Public Servants with Control Institutions met Monday with representatives of the Economy Ministry.

Sebastian Oprescu, head of the union, said they reached no result following discussions on granting a 50% wage hike, and decided they will go on warning strike on Thursday between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m., and between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., they will picket the Government building.

Oprescu also said they will meet again on Tuesday with Finance Ministry officials, to continue the discussions on wage hike and on the protection of public servants within control institutions.

The National Federation of Unions in the Administration (FNSA) sent a letter to Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu and to the presidents of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate asking wage hikes for all state employees.

The National Federation of Unions in sanitary units and spa resorts (TESA) threaten to start protests as of next month, unless administrative staff receives a 60% wage hike as of November 1.

The Romanian Doctors College (CMR) announced Sunday it will request the hike of doctors’ wages, if the government increases wages for teachers, public servants and other social categories.

Tariceanu said Monday wage hikes for all state employees would require bucgetary expenses of EUR10 billion, which could only be covered by a EUR2,000 extra tax for each of the five million employees.

Tariceanu discussed on Monday the implications of the decision and unionists’ demands on the state budget with central bank governor Mugur Isarescu, and said he maintains his belief that Romania’s economy cannot sustain these wage hikes.

The Chamber of Deputies approved last week an ordinance that stipulates a 50% wage hike for teachers.

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