Romanian Senate Votes To Link Child State Allowance To Parents’ Income

Romanian senators adopted Tuesday a legislative initiative setting that state allowances for children would be of 5% to 25% of the minimum wage depending on their parents’ wages.


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Romanian Senate Votes To Link Child State Allowance To Parents’ Income

According to the legal initiative, drafted by a group of liberal lawmakers, the state allowance would be higher for children whose parents have low incomes. The initiative was adopted after all parliamentary group leaders decided to back it, despite the fact that it was rejected by the Senate's labor committee.

The labor committee said that, under the Constitution, state allowance is a universal right of children, not their parents and granting it depending on parents' incomes would discriminate among children and would breach the Constitution.

According to the legal initiative, monthly state allowances for children are to be increased annually, by government decision, at the proposition of the Labor Ministry.

The draft law, which is organic and needs an absolute majority to be enacted, is pending debates in the Chamber of Deputies.

Romania pays 42 lei (EUR1=RON4.2897) as monthly state allowance for children, which is about 14% of the minimum wage currently set at RON600.

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