Romanian Social Democrats, Democrat Liberals To Decide On Magyar Union Issue This Afternoon

Following talks scheduled for Friday afternoon between the Romanian Democratic Liberal Party and the Social Democratic Party, a decision will be made regarding the Magyar Democratic Union in Romania, head of the social democrats’ National Committee Adrian Nastase said.


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Romanian Social Democrats, Democrat Liberals To Decide On Magyar Union Issue This Afternoon

If negotiations lead to a solution which does not observe the mandate granted by the party’s Central Executive Committee, than the forum will meet again to discuss the issue.

The mandate excludes the Magyar Democratic Union in Romania from a coalition government.

“The problem doesn’t revolve around the negotiating team, but around the mandate given by the Central Executive Committee. An answer which would doesn’t observe this element included in the mandate will necessarily lead to a reevaluation or a return to the committee,” Nastase said.

Social democrat sources told MEDIAFAX the talks between the two parties to be held Friday afternoon should make a trenchant decision regarding the position towards the Magyar Democratic Union in Romania.

Head of the Union, Marko Bela, said Thursday that the party wants to be in the coalition government, but only as equal partner.

Social democrat leader Mircea Geoana said Wednesday there won’t be any Government coalition formed of social democrats and of democrat liberals if the Magyar Democratic Union is accepted.

The mandate given by the party’s Central Executive Committee “explicitly” indicates the acceptance of an alliance with the Democratic Liberal Party, without the Magyar Democratic Union as part of the Government coalition, Geoana explained.

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