Romanian Social Democrats, Democrat Liberals To Share Minister Seats Saturday

Romania’s Social Democratic Party and the Democratic Liberal Party decided Thursday the manner to share the minister positions in the next Government and to have negotiations beginning on Saturday.


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Romanian Social Democrats, Democrat Liberals To Share Minister Seats Saturday

Thus, the two parties established several ministry combinations, thus the party which chooses one ministry will not be able to have the other seat that is included in the respective package.

Based on this principle, the party which takes over the Interior Ministry will have to give up the Justice Ministry. Similarly, the Environment Ministry is combined with the Regional Development Ministry, and the two parties will have to decide which takes over one of the two.

Other packages include the Foreign Affairs and the Defense Ministry, the Health Ministry combined with the Education Ministry, the Finance Ministry goes in the same package with the Economy Ministry, and the Transport Ministry with the Agriculture Ministry.

According to sources within the Social Democratic Party, talks on the takeover of portfolios will take place Saturday. Until then, the two parties are working on the final form of the governing agenda, based on a “Partnership for Romania”.

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