Romanian Social Democrats, Democrat Liberals To Share Ministries At GMT 1100

Representatives of the Romanian Democratic Liberal Party and the Social Democratic Party will meet Wednesday at GMT 1100 to establish which party takes over which ministry, social democrat leader Mircea Geoana said.


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Romanian Social Democrats, Democrat Liberals To Share Ministries At GMT 1100

“We agreed with our peers in the Democratic Liberal Party to meet at GMT 1100, and after this meeting you will have all the details regarding the ministries we choose,” Geoana said at the end of the social democrats’ meeting.

He said the list of minister nominees will be ready on Thursday.

Geoana denied having met with President Traian Basescu, both Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, but mentioned he did have a talk with him.

The social democrat leaders met Wednesday morning in the Senate and chose to take over the Interior Ministry, leaving the Transport Ministry to the democrat liberals, people close to the talks said.

According to democrat liberal sources, the Democratic Liberal Party set as its first option the Finance Ministry and the Transport Ministry.

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