Romanian Unions To Rally On Oct 7 Over Public Sector Wage Law

Romanian unionists will rally in capital Bucharest on October 7, the World Day for Decent Work, angered by the country’s unitary wage law regulating wages across the public sector, which lowers salaries of all public sector workers as of next year.


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Romanian Unions To Rally On Oct 7 Over Public Sector Wage Law

Cartel Alfa union vice-president Petru Dandea told a news conference Tuesday the rally on October 7 might be preceded by a full-fledged strike across the public sector to be triggered sometime after September 15.

Dandea said public sector employees feel pressured by impending layoffs and the 25% pay cut they have taken, which will prompt many of them to attend protests and call strike.

"This time we'll have a real full-blown strike, all public sector employees will cease activity indefinitely," Dandea added.

Unionists demand that the Government set a minimum wage of at least 705 lei (EUR1=RON4.2597) for 2011 and threaten to organize ample street protests and strikes. The Government's most recent proposition, which unions have rejected, was to set the minimum wage at RON650.

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