Romanian Youth Council Requests Government And EU To Find Solutions For Youth Employment Funds

The Romanian Youth Council requested the European Commission and its country’s Government to find solution for unblocking EU funds for youth employment, as Romania used only a fraction of its allotted funds for the initiative, in a statement issued on Thursday.


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Romanian Youth Council Requests Government And EU To Find Solutions For Youth Employment Funds

According to the organization, Romania spent only 0.08% of its EU funds destined for the youth employment initiative (IOT).

“At this moment, Romania managed the performance of spending only 0.089% of its allotted fund! This is 90 times less than what it paid to take part in this program! All this while in our country’s accounts there are EUR17,042,368 allotted by the European Commission which are laying there unused,” reads the statement.

The initiative seeks to help young adults to go through programs of apprenticeship or professional development courses ending with a certificate, with it currently running for the 2014-2020 period.

EU Development Commissioner Corina Cretu announced on Wednesday that the Romanian Government failed to access until June 30, 2018 funds for implementing a program meant to fight unemployment for individuals between 18 and 25 years old.

According to Eurostat data for 2017, Romania is third in the EU at the percentage of young adults who are not employed and not following an education or professional development program, with 14.6% of individual with ages between 15 and 29 in the country being in this situation. The EU average is of 7.9%.

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