Romanians Refusing Job, Training May Lose Social Benefits - Draft

Welfare recipients, who turn down a job and refuse to take part in professional training classes or other programs designed to stimulate employment, may lose their benefits, according to the draft law on social assistance in Romania.


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Romanians Refusing Job, Training May Lose Social Benefits - Draft

If they find work, they may still be eligible for some social benefits. Turning down work or participation in employment stimulation programs may reduce the value of their benefits, which may even be denied for a certain period of time.

Employers hiring welfare recipients may also be eligible for fiscal facilities or other means of support, says the draft, which is up for public debate on the Labor Ministry's web site.

The social benefits may be tailored to the needs of a single person or family, or may be universal - provided to a certain category of beneficiary. They are designed to prevent and combat poverty and social exclusion, support children and families, and support people with special needs. The recipient's eligibility will be determined after the evaluation of all their current or potential sources of income (including social security benefits and property).

The value of social benefits will be set according to the reference social indicator, taking into account the person/family's needs, says the draft.

The document also says that an integrated information system will later enable authorities to verify data on a welfare applicant and his/her social-economic situation.

The draft is available for public debate until March 24.

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