Social Democrat, Democrat Liberal Heads Designate Current Justice Minister For New Mandate

Romanian social democrat and democrat liberal leaders Mircea Geoana and Emil Boc nominated Catalin Predoiu, the country’s current Justice Minister, for a new mandate at the headship of the Justice Ministry in the next Cabinet.


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Social Democrat, Democrat Liberal Heads Nominate Current Justice Minister For New Mandate


Designated Prime Minister Emil Boc said at the end of the meeting with Senate president Mircea Geoana Friday night that “a solution has been found for the Ministry of Justice”, namely Catalin Predoiu.

Boc said the Justice Minister must meet several requirements. The minister must not belong to any of the two parties and must continue the justice reform, as Romania wants the European Union to stop monitoring the country’s legal system as of July 2009.

The minister “must be a person that continues the reform, and implicitly carries out the present Codes that are in their final form,” Boc added.

Geoana said many suggestions have been made for the justice minister position in the past days in order to find the most suitable person meeting the professionalism requirement, having in mind also the influence and the access to Brussels.

“The correct solution is continuity,” he said, adding Catalin Predoiu is the suitable person, as far as competence and professionalism are concerned.


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