Social Democrat Official Talks About Electoral Campaign

Victor Ponta, vice-president of the leftist opposition Social Democratic Party, or PSD, said on Saturday that this electoral campaign will receive higher financings than last year but that dishonesty will still be a tool to win elections.


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Social Democrat Official Talks About Electoral Campaign

“There will be probably more money and more dishonest practices. The uninominal voting system for county councils is the fundamental change of the elections, but otherwise, who wins locals will probably have the best chance for general elections,” said Ponta.

The official said that people’s votes will not be won according to the banners and money spent by different political parties this month, but through the efforts parties made in the last three and 11 months.

Ponta will attend on Friday the launch of the candidacy of PSD candidate for the Beclean mayoralty, in Bistrita county, Nicolae Moldovan.

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