The Media Is Not A Power If It Partakes In Political Score Settling – Romanian Pres

Romanian president Traian Basescu said Tuesday in an event organized by the American Chamber of Commerce in Romania that the media is no a power in society if it takes part in score settling between politicians, only if it performs social critique based on the actions of the state.


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The Media Is Not A Power If It Partakes In Political Score Settling – Romanian Pres


Basescu said in his vision a state is transparent, thus the citizens can know what the state is doing at all times.
"In this respect, the media plays an important part. Surely, we firstly see the media as a critic. This critique cannot be useful unless it is based on a correct depiction of the state’s actions. The media is not a power in society if it takes part in the settling of scores between politicians, only if it performs social critique based on the actions of the state. I know that this is not a very popular message among journalists, but the state’s duty of transparency cannot be done if the media shows the citizen anything but the manner in which the country is run," Basescu said.
He congratulated the members of AmCham for their interest in Romania’s future. In his opinion, this is “not an ordinary thing,” as attention focuses mainly on demagogical views of a future where everything is wonderful, but it is "crumbling and unachievable."
On a society level there is no unitary vision regarding Romania, there are several visions, some of them in sync and others in conflict, Basescu said.
"If our parties were more solid, they should see what can be done to correlate these visions. In order to do this, parties should be closer to the citizens, they should listen to them, synthesize their opinions, so that later they could render these opinions accessible to anyone through the looking glass of various political views," the head of state added.
Basescu attended Tuesday the conference "Our vision on Romania" organized by AmCham.


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