Transport Min Says Will Resign If Probe Shows Victim Involved In Road Accident

Romanian transport minister Ludovic Orban said Thursday evening on Antena 3 he will resign all his public positions if investigators prove his road accident on Sunday involved a victim.

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Transport Min Says Will Resign If Probe Shows Victim Involved In Road Accident

Asked whether the prime minister asked him to resign, Orban said the possibility was mentioned, but never imposed.
The minister added that after his road accident he saw a girl crying on the sidewalk, and asked her whether he had hit her. He said the girl denied.
"I asked her whether I hit her and she said no. I also spoke to her mother, and she said everything is alright," Orban said.
The girl’s father also told police and prosecutors that the girl was not hurt in the accident, but had slipped on the ice a few minutes before.

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