Witnesses Recognize Suspect Of C Romania Double Homicide

Serghei Gribenco, one of the suspects in the armed robbery and double homicide at a currency exchange office in the central Romanian city of Brasov in January, was recognized by part of the witnesses in the case, people close to the investigation told Pro TV.


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Witnesses Recognize Suspect Of C Romania Double Homicide

The sources cited by Pro TV said Gribenco was pointed by several witnesses as one of the authors of the armed robbery on January 29 in Brasov, which left two people dead and one injured.
Investigators have a tapped phone conversation in which Moldovan citizen Gribenco was asking his girlfriend to get rid of incriminating evidence and the charger of a gun that matches the one fired in the robbery.
According to the spokesperson of the Brasov prosecutors’ office, Gribenco’s girlfriend, Ramona Diaconu, was heard by prosecutors.
Gribenco was caught last week in the southern Romanian city of Ploiesti.

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