nal von minden plans to produce 80 million rapid corona tests per month

nal von minden plans to produce 80 million rapid corona tests per month

Rapid corona testing is playing an increasingly important role in containing the pandemic everywhere – even though the first vaccines are now in sight. The medical technology company nal von minden GmbH from Moers, Germany, is therefore doubling its production: 40 million rapid antigen tests are already being produced in November. By January, this figure is expected to rise to 80 million – every month! "We are continuing to double our production of rapid corona tests because we want to help contain the pandemic," says Roland Meissner, Managing Director of nal von minden GmbH. The demand for the NADAL® Covid-19 antigen test is very high. For this reason, monthly production in November was already increased from 20 million rapid tests to 40 million. Now production capacity is being further expanded – and fast. The new goal: to make 80 million rapid corona tests available every month from January on. "Possibly infected individuals can be detected immediately with the help of the rapid tests and, thus, other people can be better protected against corona," emphasises Meissner.


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