Alexandrion Group Invests EUR100M in Distillery in New York

Spirits producer Alexandrion Group Romania will invest EUR100 million to build a distillery in New York, Nawaf Salameh, CEO and founder of the company, told a press conference Friday.


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Alexandrion Group Invests EUR100M in Distillery in New York

In New York, Alexandrion will manufacture gin, rum, whiskey and other spirits for the American market and will import Romanian products such as Saber Alexandrion and Brancoveanu Alexandrion, said Salameh.

The distillery in the US will be larger than the one in Romania and will employ at least 400 people.

Alexandrion Group has five consultants scouting appropriate locations and Salameh said he hopes the right spot in New York is found in two or three months so delivery may start in July next year.

“We've been looking at the US market for at least five years but we feel that now is the right time,” he said.

Salameh added investments in Romania will continue.

“We're not moving production out of Romania. Investments here will continue. Romania is developing and covers the entire European market, Africa, the Middle East and other countries. The unit in the US will cover the American market; from there we will export American products to the rest of the world,” Salameh said.

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