Building A House In Bucharest Suburbs Costs Less Than EUR80,000

Building a 100 sqm house near Bucharest costs between EUR58,000 and EUR80,000, since the economic crisis slashed construction and plot prices, according to a study of Romanian realty website

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Building A House In Bucharest Suburbs Costs Less Than EUR80,000

The results considered an average construction price, including finishes, of EUR400/sqm, a 400 sqm plot and a 100 sqm house.

"While building your own house in the suburbs of Bucharest was a trend under the real estate market boom, nowadays the difficult financing process and lowered income caused demand to decline, bringing prices down by more than 50%," said Monday.

The analysis showed that plot prices around Bucharest dropped by an average 57% since the beginning of the crisis, while construction costs fell 30% on average.


Launched in 1999 as, the portal was rebranded in 2008 as

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