Cold Weather Kills 11 People In Romania – Health Ministry

Eleven people died of hypothermia during December 13-21 in Romanian counties Arad, Bacau, Constanta, Neamt, Prahova and Suceava, the country’s Health Ministry said Monday.

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Imaginea articolului Cold Weather Kills 11 People In Romania – Health Ministry

Cold Weather Kills 11 People In Romania – Health Ministry

The ministry on Monday recommended again that people should avoid exposure to cold to prevent potential frostbite, dress properly, eat protein-rich foods and steer clear of spirits on days of cold weather with very low temperatures.

It also said elderly people, especially those suffering from heart and respiratory problems, must steer clear of long or short trips, as well as crowded places.

The ministry also said that, as of December 14, public health departments countrywide and in capital city Bucharest are obliged to take all necessary measures, as to receive, select and hospitalize a larger number of patients during the period targeted by yellow code warning for cold weather.


Heavy snowfalls over the past week caused a major gridlock in capital city Bucharest and countrywide for both drivers and passengers. Many roads were blocked, heavy truck traffic was restricted on several roads and trains registered major delays.

Romanian meteorologists recently said the weather is getting warmer as of Tuesday, with temperatures hitting maximum 10 degrees Celsius and minimum five degree Celsius.

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