Competition Council Fines Siveco And Intrarom A Total EUR1.75M

Romania’s Competition Council fined two IT companies a total RON8 million (nearly EUR1.75 million) for rigging a public acquisition procedure organized by the agriculture paying agency APIA in 2008 to award a frame agreement for services aimed at extending and developing the computer system.


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Competition Council Fines Siveco And Intrarom A Total EUR1.75M

The estimated value of the frame agreement stood at EUR12,000,000, VAT not included.

Intrarom S.A. was fined RON2,125,796.48 and Siveco Romania S.A. was fined RON5,883,899.07.

The investigation set off based on information provided by Romania’s Court of Accounts. Within the investigation, the antitrust regulator obtained evidence showing the two companies colluded to allow Intrarom S.A. to participate only formally in order to ensure the number of auction participants, without actually competing against Siveco Romania S.A..

Within public acquisition procedures, the purpose of each company must be to win under normal conditions of competition, enabling the end consumer to benefit from qualitative products and services at advantageous prices.


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