Court Merges Sentences of Former Football Investor Cristian Borcea

The Bucharest Court of Appeal decided on Monday to merge the two current sentences of businessman Cristian Borcea into a single, seven years and six months prison sentence, in a first decision.


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Court Merges Sentences of Former Football Investor Cristian Borcea

The court decided to merge the former FC Dinamo Bucharest investor’s sentences for corruption charges in football transfers with one he recently received in a case involving illegal beach property retrocessions.

Magistrates also decided to make Borcea’s time served in prison as result of the football transfers case count towards the total sentence, meaning that the businessman will have already served four years and six months.

If the decision will become definitive, the businessman would be able to apply for parole in the near future. According to Romanian law, parole requests can be filed after the convict served at least two thirds of his sentence, if it totals less than ten years in prison.

The decision is not final and can be appealed.

Cristian Borcea is currently incarcerated at the Rahova Penitentiary, after he was sentenced in February to five years in prison in the illegal retrocessions case.

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