Defense Minister: State Military Pensions Will Be Indexed With Average Yearly Inflation Rate

Romania’s Defense Minister, Gabriel Les, announced on Friday that military pensions paid by the state will be indexed with the average yearly inflation rate, after a government decree in this regard was passed last year.


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Defense Minister: State Military Pensions Will Be Indexed With Average Yearly Inflation Rate

The value indexed to the pensions will be 1.3% and represents the difference between the median rate of consumer prices in 2017 compared with 2016, calculated based on the consumer prices index.

This is the most recent yearly inflation rate daya made official by the country’s National Statistics Institute (INS), as of January 1, 2019.

According to the law regarding state military pensions, modified by the government last year, the pensions in questions which are being paid as of December 31 of one year will index the value of the last official yearly inflation rate made official by INS, starting with the following year.


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