Galati County: Man Wanted On European Warrant Escapes Authorities Shortly After Capture

A fugitive from Galati County, wanted on an European warrant for suspected offences in Austria, managed to escape authorities shortly after he was captured on Thursday.


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Galati County: Man Wanted On European Warrant Escapes Authorities Shortly After Capture

Judicial sources told MEDIAFAX that the man, who is a native of the county, was found by officers from the Galati Police’s Criminal Investigations – Wanted Service, who were searching for him based on an European warrant for his arrest.

However, the suspect managed to flee in uncertain circumstance shortly after the Galati Prosecutor’s Office issued an order for his detainment.

Policemen are still searching for the fugitive as of Thursday afternoon, with police from neighboring counties also alerted to the situation.

The man is a suspect in cases involving car and ATM thefts in Austria, which led to the warrant.


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