Israel establishes a list of foreign doctors who want to volunteer in Israel

Israel's Health Ministry is in the process of drawing up a list of foreign medical personnel willing to volunteer in Israel, if necessary, the Israeli Embassy in Romania has announced.


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Israel establishes a list of foreign doctors who want to volunteer in Israel

"We thank the doctors from Romania who, at the initiative of the Minister of Health, have volunteered to provide medical assistance in Israel in these difficult times following the terrorist attacks against civilians in Israel. The medical authorities in Israel have informed us that they do not need volunteer doctors at this time. However, in the future, the situation may change," reads a communication from the Embassy.

So far, 200 medical personnel have signed up.

According to the communication, in this context, the Israeli Ministry of Health is drawing up a list of medical staff from abroad who are willing to come to Israel as volunteers, if necessary.

Therefore, licensed doctors, nurses and paramedics from abroad can join the Volunteer Doctors for Israel by filling out the online form which can be accessed at the following link:

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