Romanian PM Meets With Israeli Counterpart

Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila met on Friday with her Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu during a state visit to the country, with discussion revolving around the current international situation, according to a Government statement.


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Romanian PM Meets With Israeli Counterpart

The two chiefs of cabinet discussed the organization of a twice-delayed common cabinet meeting, scheduled in the first part of 2019, but also the consolidation of strategic cooperation and collaboration in areas such as cybersecurity, energy, medicine, research and innovation according to the source.

“The two prime ministers expressed their satisfaction regarding the advancement of negotiations for a Romania-Israel Partnership in the field of new technologies, meant to stimulate the mutual interest of business communities in the two countries so as to capitalize on bilateral economic potential,” reads the statement.

Prime Ministers Dancila and Netanyahu last met in November 2018, in Varna. Previously, PM Dancila visited Israel on April 25, 2018.

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