Romanian Smart Bill Posts Sales Of Over EUR1M In 2016

Smart Bill, Romanian provider of billing and management accounting solutions, reported a turnover of over EUR1 million in 2016, one year after the investments from Catalyst Romania and Gecad Group.


In 2017, the company targets over 25% sales increase. Last year, cloud sales accounted for most of the sales.

Smart Bill services are currently used by over 45,000 clients, registered sole traders, SMEs and multinationals operating in all business sectors.

In 2016, Smart Bill was subject to a EUR1 million investment from investment funds Catalyst Romania and Gecad Group, which bought over 30% of the company’s shares through share capital hike.

Smart Bill was established in 2007 by Radu Hasan, Ioana Hasan and Mircea Capatana. The company employs 45 people and plans to increase the number of employees to 60 by yearend.


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